
My Cryptid Crush

Created by McMadmissile

A pin and plush collection for all the monster kissers out there! Featuring over a dozen lovingly rendered cryptids, this project contains something for everyone and will continue to grow with your help.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Surveys are out!
4 days ago – Sat, Mar 08, 2025 at 06:05:05 PM

Heya critters!

As many of you have already noticed, surveys went live last night and 50% have been completed already 😳 I'm loving the enthusiasm!

But please remember surveys will remain open and adjustable until after all prototypes are finalized. So no need to panic if you're paralyzed with indecision, there's plenty of time to get those surveys in. The final closure date will be announced after prototyping is finished, which is estimated to be around July-August.
(If you think you're missing a freebie you know you qualified for, please feel free to reach out at [email protected] and I can double check/fix things for you manually. Thanks!) 

Note: if you opted to pay in installments, your survey will be automatically sent out once you finish your payment plan.


While I'm here I'd also like to share the final reference sheets for our newest cryptid crushes! Samples are underway now, but due to also juggling the scarred werewolf and classic mothman it could be a few weeks before we see the first photos.

Classic Mothman is also well underway! The first sample is very cute, just a little less green than I was anticipating so we're working on fixing that now. I may also look into having some batting added to the antenna so they hold their shape a little better.

With all the major plush samples purchased, I'll be turning my attention to the pins next. The first step involves formatting the artwork for my supplier and including detailed notes involving the various processes I want to use, finishes, and other details. Its a tedious process, but I can't wait to see what everyone looks like in their final size and finish!

That's all for now my friends, but I hope to have more updates and pictures to share next week 💖

Preorder store is live! Sample photos and more...
16 days ago – Mon, Feb 24, 2025 at 09:14:29 PM

Heyo cryptid cuddlers!

I have several new developments to share with you today, but first an apology for the radio silence: I started a new medication last week that completely wiped me out. My energy levels are still nonexistent and all my body wants to do is sleep, but my brain wants to work so I've been plodding along at a snail's pace to make things happen (albeit slowly). 

I should adjust within the next week or two so this isn't a permanent change! Just annoying when the timing couldn't be worse 😅 But now on to the fun stuff! 

First, mothman and gloomicorn samples arrived! Photos barely do them justice-- I love both of them immensely and I think you guys will be really happy with the final outcomes as well. 

We also got our first look at the scarred werewolf! As you can see the colors still need a lot of adjusting, but I'm happy to see the embroidery looks great in the round and I'm confident the final results are gonna rock.

And finally, the preorder store is now live!

PLEASE NOTE: if you already backed the project, do not use the preorder store to add more items to your pledge-- wait for your survey! Ordering from the preorder store will result in you being charged twice for shipping as orders do not combine automatically.

As a backer, feel free to browse though! All of these items will also be on the survey, so scrolling through the preorder store is a good way to decide what you want to add later. 

I'm happy to share that the chupacabra, wyrm, nightcrawler, and beelzebear plushies have all been ordered and I was able limit the amount available so I can still offer them in the preorder store for a short time. Stock is LIMITED though, so once they sell out they'll be gone until after all preorders are fulfilled and remainder are listed in the Tiny Teeth shop.

That's all for now! I hope to have more sample photos to share later this week, and keep an eye on your inboxes early next week for when those surveys go out 💖 

That's a wrap!! 🎉💖🎉💖
26 days ago – Fri, Feb 14, 2025 at 05:32:53 PM

Sorry for the lack of an update of substance yesterday, critters! My afternoon became super hectic, and I was dead set on finishing this photoshoot to share with everyone, but then that didn't happen whoopsie 😅

But what better time to share a Valentines photoshoot then on Valentines Day!! All of the cryptids are bursting with love over the support you showed them and wanted to give back in their own adorable way. 

I can't wait for the rest of the crew to join them! The group photo potential is truly incredible. 


Now on to the nuts and bolts of this update! 

We hit 150k, which is freakin' amazing. I'm so happy, grateful, you name it. As a result everyone will be receiving THIS GUY as a sticker, in addition to any other freebies they qualified for.

The preorder store is expected to launch this weekend! I'm polishing everything up now. REMEMBER: this is for folks who missed the window to back, NOT for backers who want to add more items to their pledge (that's what your survey is for 💖)

Prototyping of the new plush samples is already underway! I have paid for several already, and will have the remaining reference sheets finished and submitted this weekend.

And speaking of samples, some of the first pin samples came in yesterday and they look awesome! Apologies for the smudges on the monster lover pin-- that's just smudging from my grimy little goblin hands. In reality they're beautifully smooth and perfect in every conceivable way.

Work on the surveys will also begin immediately, but please remember it will be a minimum of 2 weeks before I can send them out. Payments have to finish processing first and the standard amount of time for this is roughly 14 days.

If your payment failed, don't worry! Simply update your payment method or wait and BackerKit will automatically retry the charge. At this time there is nothing I can do on my end to manually process this payment, but after surveys go out I WILL be able to help more on that front.

I believe that covers everything for now, but if you have any questions feel free to leave them here or join the Cryptid Cuddle Club discord and come hang out with us! I share tons of stuff in the development channel almost daily that don't warrant a whole update of their own, including WIP plushies, concept art, and business-y behind the scenes things you may find interesting. 

That's all for today, but I'll be back in the next couple days with another update. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!  💖

27 days ago – Thu, Feb 13, 2025 at 01:17:03 PM

Gonna keep this update short and sweet-- if we hit 150k, I'll add an extra special sticker to everyone's package 🥰🥰🥰 Thank you all soooo much!!!

Dragon UNLOCKED! 🎉🐉🎉🐉 (And what happens after tomorrow?)
28 days ago – Wed, Feb 12, 2025 at 12:34:38 PM

Y'ALL DID IT, CRITTERS!! And with a day to spare! The dragon plush is officially UNLOCKED and will be an option on the survey, yippee!!!

I'm so proud of this campaign and the amount of ground we've covered in three weeks. Watching my baby grow into a full-fledged series with your help and input has been so awesome!

Now if you're new to crowdfunding you might be asking, what happens next?

After the campaign officially ends tomorrow at 3:00 pm CST, I get to work in a different way:
  • BackerKit begins processing payments. Project funds take about two weeks to hit my account.

  • I work on building the survey in the meantime. These usually go out about 15-16 days after the campaign ends, but you DON'T have to fill them out right away. You can wait until all prototypes have been revealed, or make your selections and then edit them later. The survey remains open and editable until all prototypes have been revealed.

  • The preorder store will open a day or two after the campaign closes. Backers, DO NOT USE THE PREORDER STORE. Your orders will not automatically combine and you'll be charged for shipping twice-- not awesome! The preorder store is for folks who missed the initial campaign.

  • Through out all of this, I will continue to update frequently! My supplier works quickly, so I expect some sample photos within the next week to week and a half. The existing prototypes (mothman and gloomicorn) should also reach me in that timeframe, which means more photos! 

I hope that sheds some light on what the next few weeks will look like 💖 Things may be quiet for the first few days, but as samples start arriving and payments finish processing, lots of stuff will be happening and quickly!!


And a final note, the halloween preorder plushies in the add-on section will NOT be part of the preorder store!

They will be going straight into production after campaign funds process, so if you want to add them to your order you need to do so BEFORE tomorrow at 3pm CST 

(To see more pictures of everyone in the round, visit!)