
My Cryptid Crush

Created by McMadmissile

A pin and plush collection for all the monster kissers out there! Featuring over a dozen lovingly rendered cryptids, this project contains something for everyone and will continue to grow with your help.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Almost all goals smashed--- again???!!?
about 2 months ago – Fri, Jan 24, 2025 at 05:53:31 PM

My backers are an unstoppable force and I love that for us 🥹

We're only 20k away from unlocking a WHOLE NEW MONSTER now! Not only that, but we've already unlocked another mothman plush, which means I'm hard at work designing the variants everyone will vote one.

I was hoping to have that done today, but unfortunately some things came up that pulled me away from my laptop for a bit. Rather than rush it, I'm going to take tonight to polish up some new moths we can all be excited about and release that poll tomorrow afternoon. Stay tuned!

In the meantime, I noticed we're coming up on 1000 backers and fast, so I'd like to design something special for the occasion 💖 Help me decide by casting your vote below!

Now one last thing before I forget again!

Want even more cryptid content, behind the scenes material, and a direct line to me where you can share your ideas and opinions? You should join the Snughouls discord!

I share all kinds of things there, from sketches, sample photos, my latest manufacturing woes (making plushies almost guarantees you will have at least one public meltdown a month), and whatever else I feel like talking about that doesn't warrant an official update. Lurking is 100% welcome, and you never have to participate unless you absolutely want to. Hope to see you there! 

Over 1000% Funded!!! 🎉🎉🎉 (+ new stretch goals!)
about 2 months ago – Thu, Jan 23, 2025 at 07:36:30 PM

Thank yall for another incredible first day! I did not expect to raise a whopping 42k in less than 10 hours, but here we are and once again I'm scrambling to keep up haha. It's a good problem to have though, so you wont catch me complaining. 

Now without further ado, let's take a gander at those new stretch goals! I have a few more surprises up my sleeve beyond these goals, but I need a bit more time to polish up my sketches and put together some mockups before I can reveal them. Just know I'm working on some outfits and plan to tease a few more before everything wraps up in February 💖

As you may have noticed, we've already unlocked several of these and it's time for a backers choice poll! Below are our two new (adorably) fierce candidates, the shadow wolfman and the scarred wolfman.

The winner of this poll will become our 5th plush and be available on the survey at the end of the campaign!

Poll ends on Sunday so I can get the ball rolling on the new prototype. Get those votes in, ASAP critters! 

See y'all in the next update! 🦄✨

Everything unlocked in 30 minutes!!!! 😭😭😭
about 2 months ago – Thu, Jan 23, 2025 at 10:54:31 AM

Omg yall, we already unlocked all the revealed stretch goals!! I thought I'd have a bit more time to get some new ones out before that happened 😅 (when will I learn my lesson?? The answer is never.)

First of all, THANK YOU. Unlocking the meat and potatoes of this campaign in under 30 minutes is absolutely bonkers and I am so pleased!!!

Everything you see, all stickers, pins, keychains, and plushies are FULLY UNLOCKED! Now we turn our attention to the...stretch stretch goals?  I have several more plushies to share, variants of our beloved wolfman, unicorn, and mothman each with their own, unique personalities and style. Let's go over what we have to look forward to over the next couple weeks!

  • Today I'll be revealing our next round of stretch goals! This will include some new pins, plushies, postcards, and some other popularly requested goodies I'm excited to share.

  • Over the next few days I'll be sharing even more plush and pin concepts, as well as some new monster crushes (dragon lovers sound off in the comments 👀), sketches, guest artist designs, and our favorite-- POLLS! As a backer your feedback is the most important to me, so your vote will be crucial in deciding which monsters (both plushies and pins) we unlock next. 

  • Within the next week or two I expect the plush prototyping process to be wrapping up, which means more photos to share with you guys! Mothman is VERY close to being finished and I'm so excited to share the results with you. 

In the meantime, I leave you with some fun sneak peeks at where we're at in the mothman prototyping process and perhaps the breakout star of this whole campaign....the adorable and melancholic gloomicorn 🥹

Who are YOU most excited for? In what ways do you enjoy growing your cryptid collection-- pins, plushies, or both? 🥰 

Love you guys and I look forward to filling the next three weeks with all the hot monstery goodness our hearts can handle! 

Early Bird Reward - help me decide!
about 2 months ago – Fri, Jan 17, 2025 at 08:42:05 PM

Happy friday critters!

This week I paid for some pin samples that I'm super stoked to share with you. First up we have our subscriber freebie, the mini monster lover pin (you can still qualify for this one by subscribing to our mailing list here!)

And next up we have our early bird reward, the TAKEN pin. If you know me, you know I'm a bit of a maximalist and something this simple is kinda unusual for me, but honestly? I love it. I may even go so far as to say it's my favorite thing I've designed in awhile, and I hope you guys dig it too!

Because this pin is so simple, I plan to offer a few different colorways (that you will get to pick from as a backer) and y'all get to help me decide which ones. The top two contenders here will go on to be options during the survey portion of the campaign!

Thanks for your help, critters! As always I look forward to your feedback and hope to see you all on the 23rd! 💖

Meet our collab partner! Creature Feature: The Unicorn 🦄✨
2 months ago – Wed, Jan 08, 2025 at 07:01:08 AM

Howdy critters, and happy wednesday!

As promised I'm back with an update and this one just so happens to be a two-parter.

First I'd like to introduce you to our collab partner, Wyldefell Woods! Together we've come up with an extra large pin for backers who support both of our campaigns, featuring two of our characters who would undoubtedly be thick as thieves if they were real (why can't they be real?? 🥺)

Any guesses on who they might be? 🔴🔴

If that intrigues you, you should also check out their weighted terragryph plushies and give them a follow!

Next I'd like to introduce our second potential plush unlock-- the unicorn! In pursuit of plush perfection, the unicorn will likely be undergoing one more round of revisions, but we get a little bit closer with every edit.

Aren't they adorable already? 🥰

Remember those variants I teased? Well the unicorn will have some special colors of their own too! First up is the gloomicorn, channeling their inner Tobey Maquire as emo spiderman and I for one support them entirely.

Next we have the beautiful and serene fairy unicorn, a pastel cutie who brings sugar and sweet dreams where ever they go.

Who are you most excited for? Maybe there's a different color you hope to see in the near future? I look forward to reading your thoughts below! 🤭